All of Bruce Banner's Hulks: A Reading List
Earth's Mightiest Show is hulking out! Lorraine has her picks for you to read on Marvel Unlimited!
There are a ton of different Hulks, but Bruce Banner himself has been many, many different versions of the Hulk. We broke down our favorite on Earth’s Mightiest Show and in this very SMASHING reading list, all of which are available right now on Marvel Unlimited!
Gray Incredible Hulk: Incredible Hulk (1962) #1
The very first Bruce Banner turned into an incredibly GRAY Hulk before the team settled on making into the Jade Giant! There are lots of tales on how the hue changed, but here are his earliest days in grays.
Green Incredible Hulk: Incredible Hulk (1962) #2
We first see the Hulk in his best-known green form in issue #2! Our best known and loved version of our favorite little rage monster!
Mister Fixit: Incredible Hulk (1962) #347-368
One of the coolest and cruelest Hulks was the 2nd gray Hulk known by his pseudonym Mr. Joe Fixit. Mr. Fixit worked for the Maggia as their personal muscle and casino enforcer. He also wasn’t so keen on puny Banner and preferred to stay in the driver seat 24/7.
Guilt Monster Hulk: Incredible Hulk (1962) #377
Perhaps the creepiest of Bruce’s Hulks was the brief manifestation of his guilt in Hulk form – complete with boils and razor-sharp teeth.
Professor Hulk: Incredible Hulk (1962) #377-393
Not necessarily the strongest, but absolutely the most charming of the Hulks was Professor Hulk – the folded-together personality of the Gray Hulk, Savage Hulk, and Bruce Banner to make one handsome, charismatic, intelligent green fella!
Captain Universe Hulk AKA the Blue Hulk: Incredible Hulk Annual (1976) #10
The most powerful Hulk must be Captain Universe! He came into being when Bruce Banner was granted the Uni-Power, but the Hulk went HAM with all the power of a universe and a new color scheme!
Maestro: The Future Imperfect (1992) #1-2
The evilest of all the Hulks has to be the future alternate timeline of the Hulk. He rules his dystopian future with a smashing fist, a hunger for power, and a long white beard.
World Breaker Hulk: Planet Hulk (1999) #92-105 AND World War Hulk (2007) #1-5
The angriest Hulk (and you wouldn’t like him when he is angry) might have been when his fellow heroes shot him into space to protect the Earth. However, after smashing the ship had to emergency land on the gladiator planet of Sakaar. Later he’d return to Earth for vengeance on his former friends in a display of world destroying ire.
Doc Green: Hulk (2014) #5-16
After Bruce Banner was shot in the head, Tony Stark used Extremis to heal his brain resulting in one SUPER GENIUS HULK. Move over, Professor Hulk, there is a new mean green genius in town!
Immortal Hulk: Immortal Hulk (2018) #1-Present
Go back to Hulk’s horror roots that make you wonder which one is the man and which one is the monster!
Still need more Hulk? Keep staying tuned to for more about Hulk and all your favorite Marvel characters!
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