Published December 6, 2016

Follow the History of the Hulk Pt. 41

The Abomination and Absorbing Man come calling, plus a shocking return!

Image for Follow the History of the Hulk Pt. 41

For over 50 years, the Incredible Hulk has been smashing his way through the Marvel Universe and into the hearts of fans. Whether you’ve discovered the tale of Bruce Banner and his other self through comics, TV, or film, get the whole story here…

As Bruce Banner and associate Sandra Verdugo ran from the attention of secret government agent Pratt in INCREDIBLE HULK #47, the scientist discovered he could tap into his green alter ego’s strength with transforming. This came into good use when Pratt caught up to them in INCREDIBLE HULK #48 and a battle broke out between him and Banner. The change occurred anyway in INCREDIBLE HULK #49, but Hulk retained Banner’s mind and Pratt lost his life.

The Abomination’s wife, Nadia Blonsky, cozied up to Banner in INCREDIBLE HULK #50 for nefarious purposes, while Home Base, Pratt’s secret organization, met with her incarcerated husband. Nadia handed the scientist over to Home Base in INCREDIBLE HULK #51, and Abomination found himself free to leave his cell.

Incredible Hulk (1999) #47

Incredible Hulk (1999) #47

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Nadia began to feel bad for what she’d accomplished in INCREDIBLE HULK #52, and revealed her identity as Blonsky’s wife to Banner in INCREDIBLE HULK #53. The scientist prepared to fight his old foe, and in INCREDIBLE HULK #54 threw down with him for a fiery brouhaha.

“Crusher” Creel, The Absorbing Man, tumbled onto the fact that he could absorb and control human minds in INCREDIBLE HULK #55, and while still in jail caused chaos through surrogates in INCREDIBLE HULK #56. Creel managed to possess Hulk in INCREDIBLE HULK #57, and then utilized a young girl in a blackmail attempt against his enemy in INCREDIBLE HULK #58. The Absorbing Man met with ultimate defeat in INCREDIBLE HULK #59.

Sandra Verdugo caught up with Doc Samson, with whom she shared a child, in INCREDIBLE HULK #60, while Home Base caught up with Bruce Banner. Mr. Blue, Banner’s informant while he’d been held by the organization, approached Nadia Blonsky in INCREDIBLE HULK #61, and later, in INCREDIBLE HULK #62, revealed herself to the scientist as the formally deceased Betty Ross-Banner.



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