Squorm is a member of the Imperial Guard, a multi-ethnic group of super-powered alien beings who act as enforcers of the laws of the Shi'ar Empire. Squorm was part of the Guard's first strike on the team of superhuman mutant adventurers known as the
X-Men after the Shi'ar Empress
Lilandra, under the mental control of
Charles Xavier's mutant twin sister
Cassandra Nova, had ordered the destruction of all mutants on Earth. Squorm and his teammates captured two of the X-Men, the optic-blasting
Cyclops and the helmeted healer
Xorn, and took them to the orbiting Shi'ar superdestroyer to await execution. Squorm was subsequently defeated by the X-Man known as the
Beast, who slashed open Squorm's space-suit. Squorm survived the encounter.