Earth-41001 native Becka Munroe is the teenage mutant who can control the weather. She begins learning to use her powers at the Xavier Institute, and while at first hesitant to do so, she soon masters them.
The Savage Land
Hailing from Earth-41001 in the Savage Land, Becka Munroe is the daughter of that reality’s Ororo Munroe, AKA Storm. Becka inherits her mother’s weather control abilities when her mutant powers manifest. She attends the Charles Xavier School for Gifted Youngers, or the Xavier Institute, under Henry Hank McCoy, AKA Beast’s tutelage.
Weather Wonder
Born with a genetic structure that grants her super powers, Becka possesses the mutant ability to manipulate the elements, just like her mother before her. With concentration, she can summon a storm and control it. She can generate electrical currents through her body and project the energy from her hands in the form of lightning blasts.
When she loses control, becomes angry or scared, her primal physiology activates. This activation causes her eyes to turn orange while tattoo markings manifest on her body, and retractable claws and fangs appear as well. The weather then mirrors her mood.
Mutant Allies and Enemies
With hopes and dreams of being among the X-Men, Becka joins a next generation of mutant heroes at the Xavier Institute. Initially hesitant to use her powers in front of her new teammates, she loses control of her powers at a club, but her friends comfort her afterward. She shares a romantic moment with fellow teammate Olivier Raven.
Becka and her team go up against the Shockwave Riders and Shadow-X. She also battles the Ravarati, a race of small purple creatures with sharp teeth and the ability to fly, and who are controlled by Kalima, a demon taking the form of the Hindu goddess of death. The team later faces Sophie von Doom as well, and her Doombots, but when Kalima forcibly possesses her, she tricks Becka and her team, defeating them in a battle. Kalima is eventually expelled from Sophie von Doom’s body and defeated.
Tempest’s Tale
When Becka first joined the Xavier Institute, she trained in the Danger Room alongside her fellow students under the tutelage of their teacher, Laura Kinney, AKA X-23. Though Becka refused to use her powers during the training session. Both Rico and Raven came to her defense and the students clashed with X-23. Afterward, the students traveled about a mile to Salem Center, a countryside town that time forgot, and hung out at a club. When a human complains about the presence of mutants, and she gets accosted by one. As such, she transformed, markings appeared on her body, her eyes glowed orange, and fangs appeared. She lunged at the culprit but Raven intervened and encouraged her to stop. Becka flew out of the club and with lightning surrounding her, she talked herself down from her traumatizing encounter and monstrous reaction. She returned to the club to face the consequences of her actions. She was met with kindness and a kiss from Olivier who reminded her that her friends would never abandon her.
Later Becka’s teammate No-Name left the school without a word. In tracking her location, Becka and the team contended with Shockwave Riders, who were apparently No-Name’s family. In getting pummeled by one of them, her primal physiology kicked into high gear and she punched the rider so hard it launched them into the air. She and the team then went up against Shadow-X, a band of rogue mutants from another dimension. Becka fought as hard as possible, often getting knocked down, but she persevered. When the situation grew more dire, No-Name switched bodies with one of them, the mutant Janine Grey, AKA Black Marvel, an evil otherworldly counterpart of Jean Grey. No-Name’s access to Grey’s powers allowed Oli to deliver a swift defeat to the remaining Shadow-X members.
After Becka and the team successfully defeat the demonic race of Ravarati, they travel to India. They soon ran into the Indian heroine Sati who was being pursued by more Ravarati. They help her defeat them and joined Sati to investigate who was attacking the city of Mumbai. Becka and the team tracked down Sophie von Doom, daughter of Dr. Doom, and she transformed into the demon Kalima, unleashing a powerful blast that turned the young heroes against each other. Oli absorbed the Super Hero Sati’s power and released energy that magically transformed them into Indian citizens and scattered the team across India with no memory of who they are or their lives. With Gambit and his daughter Ray’s help, Becka soon recalled her memories and joins the team to save the day from a Kamil-possessed Sophie von Doom.