
The grief-stricken Vibrania possesses vibranium-vibration powers that are destructive in nature.



When Shara suffers exposure to radioactive Vibranium and the loss of her family, the emotional toll unlocks uncontrollable vibration abilities, and she becomes known as Vibrania.


Terminal Diagnosis

Shara grows up in the small nation of Kwarrai in Southern Africa with her father, a respected scientist. Though while in his lab, she is accidentally exposed to radioactive Vibranium, and falls ill to the point of needing a wheelchair for support. She seeks treatment from Doctor Nicholas Benson at Hammond Labs in America despite the terminal diagnosis.


Vibranium-Powered Blasts

When Shara’s Vibranium powers manifest, she can cause vibrations around her. Though these vibrations are violent and she cannot control them. They also cancel out her friend Robbie Baldwin, AKA Speedball’s kinetic energy field that allows him to bounce.


Close Ties and Her Own Worst Enemy

While in America getting treated for her illness, Shara meets Robbie, who works at the treatment center. They fall in love and share secrets but their love is cut short due to Shara’s powerful abilities.


An Abbreviated History

While receiving treatment at Doctor Benson’s lab, Shara met Robbie Baldwin. He asked her to go on a walk with him and she expressed how she missed sitting in the grass and watching the sunset. He helped her out but they fell over and had a laugh about it. He then revealed his secret identity to her, that he was the Super Hero Speedball, since she was leaving for home in South Africa. She shared how proud she was of him and shed a tear. However, prior to her departure, an earthquake struck her home, killing her family. This tragedy triggered something in Shara and as such she manifested vibranium powers. While she was blasting rocks, she couldn’t hear Robbie who was trying to stop her from lashing out, endangering nearby children. Robbie tried to save them but his powers were cancelled out by Shara’s counter-vibrations. Totally out of control, Shara yelled at Robbie to run and an avalanche that she created crushed her. Before she died, Robbie comforted her as she expressed that she loved him.



Universe, Known Relatives
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