Marvel Masterworks: The Mighty Thor Vol. 4 (Hardcover)

Marvel Masterworks: The Mighty Thor Vol. 4 (Hardcover)

Marvel Masterworks: The Mighty Thor Vol. 4 (Hardcover)

  • Published

    November 09, 2005

Holy Mjolnir, True Believer! 'Tis time for another monolithic masterpiece of Mighty Thor mania! And how!

We lieth not, we're preparing an assaulting assemblage of Asgardian artifacts as only Stan and Jack could articulate them. Featuring the one and only Thunder God in the tales that put the cosmic in comics. It all kicks off with a slobbernocker of knock-down, drag-out proportions with the Absorbing Man in the very halls of Asgard!

While in the outskirts of outer Mongolia (yes, that far out) a Demon powered by a mystic Norn stone dwells. Thor may be able to handle this magical miscreant, but how will he fare in a toe-to-toe with the Prince of Power, Hercules-especially when the All-Father Odin has cut the Thunder God's power in half? All we'll say is it's safer than betting on the ponies!

It all leads to a battle of epic proportions that takes the Thunder God to the depths of the Underworld itself to fight the legions of Pluto!

And lest we forget the titanic Tales of Asgard! Nay, we dare not! Prepare yourself to learn the secrets of Ragnarok and more.

Collects JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY #121-125 and THOR (Vol. 1) #126-130.

240 PGS./ALL AGES ...$49.99

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  • Rating:ALL AGES
  • Format:Hardcover
  • UPC:5960611880-00111


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  • Not Available

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