Marvel Masterworks: Golden Age Captain America Vol. 5 (Variant) (Hardcover)

Marvel Masterworks: Golden Age Captain America Vol. 5 (Variant) (Hardcover)

Marvel Masterworks: Golden Age Captain America Vol. 5 (Variant) (Hardcover)

  • Published

    June 15, 2011

The never-before-reprinted adventures of Captain America's Golden Age exploits continue with four more amazing 64-page issues! There's action aplenty with menacing monsters; sub-earth horrors; super villains out for revenge; and, of course, more than just a few of Cap's World War II Axis enemies gettin' a red-white-and-blue sock in the kisser! You'll see Cap and Bucky grapple with Killer Kole, the reanimated murderer; battle the lovely and lethal Queen Medusa, ruler of towering sub-earth monster worms; go ten frames against the fifth column's bowling alley of death; contend with the return of the super villains the Black Talon and the Black Toad; and fight crocodile-men. And in a special story written by Stan Lee, the dire threat of the Nazi is spelled out in no uncertain terms. To top it off, Cap's tales are backed up by the Human Torch; the Sub-Mariner; Fighting Yank; and Roddy Colt, the war-bond-promoting boy hero also known as the Secret Stamp. Collecting CAPTAIN AMERICA COMICS #17-20.

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  • Format:Hardcover
  • UPC:5960614203-00111
  • FOC Date:April 26, 2011

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