Spider-Man: Died in Your Arms Tonight (Hardcover)

Spider-Man: Died in Your Arms Tonight (Hardcover)

Spider-Man: Died in Your Arms Tonight (Hardcover)

  • Published

    November 11, 2009

This one's got it all! The return of Doctor Octopus, Daredevil, a wedding you never predicted, and the return of one of the most important people in Peter Parker's life in a giant-sized story by Dan Slott and John Romita Jr. Doc's back in town, but it's only a prelude to darker days ahead as Spidey unknowingly prepares for a gauntlet he can't even see coming. On top of all that, witness the return of one of Spider-man's creators, Smilin' Stan Lee (along with Masticatin' Marcos Martin) as he presents a story of unbridled passion, drama and angst as Spidey reflects over his many, many years of adventures. But that ain't all...as the rest of the Spidey Web-Heads bring you several short features showcasing some rarely explored aspects of both Spidey and Pete's life. And in Annual #36, see the second most important wedding day of Peter Parker's life! Plus, Pete's love life takes a turn for the worse just as his old flame Mary Jane returns to New York City. (FINALLY!! What took us so long?!) Collecting AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #600-601, AMAZING SPIDER-MAN ANNUAL #36 and material from AMAZING SPIDER-MAN FAMILY #7. Rated A ...$24.99 ISBN: 978-0-7851-4302-4

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  • Format:Hardcover
  • UPC:5960614302-00111
  • FOC Date:October 08, 2009


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