Women of Marvel: Celebrating Seven Decades (Hardcover)

Women of Marvel: Celebrating Seven Decades (Hardcover)

Women of Marvel: Celebrating Seven Decades (Hardcover)

  • Published

    November 10, 2010

For seventy years, Marvel Comics has been chronicling the adventures of heroes across the world ' and now it's time for the heroines to shine! Featuring your favorite fighting females from across the decades! Millie the Model! Patsy Walker and Hedy Wolfe! The Wasp! The Black Widow! Night Nurse! Tigra! Shanna the She-Devil! The Dazzler! Firestar! Captain Marvel! She-Hulk! Storm! Against threats including Man-Killer, Nekra, the White Queen and the Silver Samurai! Collected together here for the first time in one titanic tome! Collecting TALES TO ASTONISH (1959) #51-58, X-MEN (1963) #57, NIGHT NURSE #1-4, CAT #1-4, MARVEL TEAM-UP (1972) #8, GIANT-SIZE CREATURES #1, MARVEL PREMIERE #42, SHANNA THE SHE-DEVIL (1972) #1-5, KA-ZAR: LORD OF THE HIDDEN JUNGLE #2, DAREDEVIL (1964) #108-112, MARVEL TWO-IN-ONE #3, MARVEL GRAPHIC NOVEL #12, #16 & #18, FIRESTAR #1-4, SENSATIONAL SHE-HULK: CEREMONY #1-2, CAPTAIN MARVEL (1989) #1, CAPTAIN MARVEL (1994) #1, MILLIE THE MODEL #100, PATSY AND HEDY ANNUAL #1, SOLO AVENGERS #9, MARVEL COMICS PRESENTS (1988) #36 and MARVEL FANFARE #59. 1160 PGS./Rated T '$125.00 ISBN: 978-0-7851-4326-0 Trim size: oversized

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