Ultimatum Companion (Hardcover)

Ultimatum Companion (Hardcover)

Ultimatum Companion (Hardcover)

  • Published

    June 15, 2011

The end is nigh! Eastern Europe is frozen solid in the grip of a sudden ice age. A tidal wave of biblical proportions mercilessly sweeps through New York City. Millions have been killed and countless more injured or displaced - among them Spider-Man, and members of the X-Men and Fantastic Four. And Magneto is to blame. In the wake of this unimaginable catastrophe, is it a time to repent? Or is it a time for revenge? See Ultimatum through the eyes of New York City's most gallant defender and two of the world's greatest super-teams - or what's left of them, at least! The Ultimate Universe of heroes will truly never be the same. Collecting ULTIMATE FANTASTIC FOUR #58-60, REQUIEM; ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN #129-133, REQUIEM #1-2; ULTIMATE X-MEN #98-100, REQUIEM; MARCH ON ULTIMATUM SAGA and MARVEL SPOTLIGHT: ULTIMATUM.

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  • Format:Hardcover
  • FOC Date:May 09, 2011

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