Marvel Visionaries: John Buscema (Hardcover)

Marvel Visionaries: John Buscema (Hardcover)

Marvel Visionaries: John Buscema (Hardcover)

  • Published

    January 17, 2007

The Incredible Hulk, the devastating Dragon Man, the epic end of the gods themselves...none of it was too much for Big John! One of comicdom's most acclaimed creators takes center stage in this genre-spanning gathering of greats! Nick Fury vs. Hydra! Thor vs. the Silver Surfer! The origins of Wolverine and Dracula! The twilight of the Masters of Evil! Includes crime, horror, romance and western work from the pre-Marvel era! Plus: rare Silver Surfer stories unseen for decades! Collects CRIME FIGHTERS #4; STRANGE TALES #22 & #150; TALES TO ASTONISH #85-87; AVENGERS #41-42, #75-76, #277 & ANNUAL #2; SILVER SURFER #4; MY LOVE #2; FANTASTIC FOUR #111-112; THOR #200; DRACULA LIVES #3; MARVEL SPOTLIGHT #30; WOLVERINE #10; and MARVEL SHADOWS & LIGHT #3.
368 PGS./Rated T+ ...$34.99

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  • Rating:RATED T+
  • Format:Hardcover
  • UPC:5960612161-00111

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