Doctor Strange: The Oath - LCSD Exclusive (Hardcover)

Doctor Strange: The Oath - LCSD Exclusive (Hardcover)

Doctor Strange: The Oath - LCSD Exclusive (Hardcover)

  • Published

    October 12, 2016

Doctor Stephen Strange embarks on the most important paranormal investigation of his career, as he sets out to solve an attempted murder--his own! And with his most trusted friend also at death's door, Strange turns to an unexpected corner of the Marvel Universe to recruit a new ally. Eisner Award-winning writer Brian K. Vaughan (Runaways, Y: The Last Man) and red-hot artist Marcos Martin (Captain America, Batgirl: Year One) join forces for an adventure that will take the Sorcerer Supreme from the underworld of New York City to the deadliest dimensions on the outskirts of reality--while firmly establishing him in the current Marvel Universe! COLLECTING: Doctor Strange: The Oath (2006) #1-5.

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  • Format:Hardcover
  • FOC Date:September 27, 2016


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