Daredevil: Shadowland Omnibus (John Cassaday Cover) (Hardcover)

Daredevil: Shadowland Omnibus (John Cassaday Cover) (Hardcover)

Daredevil: Shadowland Omnibus (John Cassaday Cover) (Hardcover)

  • Published

    February 07, 2018

The Man Without Fear casts his shadow over the Marvel Universe! Daredevil has become the leader of the Hand — but instead of reforming the ninja clan, are they corrupting him? As Daredevil crosses a shocking line in battle with Bullseye, and sets up a stronghold in the midst of Hell’s Kitchen, his former friends and allies — including Spider-Man, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Elektra and the Daughters of the Dragon — are determined to stop him. But can they save Daredevil’s soul as New York City crumbles under the weight of his new order? Collecting DARK REIGN: THE LIST — DAREDEVIL; DAREDEVIL (1998) #501-512; SHADOWLAND #1-5; SHADOWLAND: ELEKTRA, BULLSEYE, GHOST RIDER, SPIDER-MAN and AFTER THE FALL; SHADOWLAND: MOON KNIGHT #1-3; SHADOWLAND: BLOOD ON THE STREETS #1-4; SHADOWLAND: DAUGHTERS OF THE SHADOW #1-3; THUNDERBOLTS (1997) #148-149; SHADOWLAND: POWER MAN #1-4; and DAREDEVIL: REBORN #1-4.

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  • Format:Hardcover
  • FOC Date:October 09, 2017

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