Wolverine Goes to Hell Omnibus (Hardcover)

Wolverine Goes to Hell Omnibus (Hardcover)

Wolverine Goes to Hell Omnibus (Hardcover)

  • Published

    May 02, 2018

Jason Aaron puts Wolverine through Hell — literally! A mysterious organization conspires to possess Wolverine’s body with demons, and send his soul to the underworld! Waiting for Logan are the souls of unexpected family and friends — and the Devil himself! Naturally, Wolverine plans to claw his way back out and have his revenge — but that might be exactly what the shadowy group wants! Will the final twist in its plan shatter Wolverine completely? Plus: Wolverine and Spider-Man must survive a trip through time without killing each other, Wolverine faces Cyclops in a schism over the future of the X-Men, and Logan returns to Japan to prevent an underworld takeover by his oldest foe! Collecting ASTONISHING SPIDER-MAN & WOLVERINE #1-6; WOLVERINE (2010) #1-20, #5.1 and #300-304; X-MEN: SCHISM #1-5; and material from WOLVERINE: THE ROAD TO HELL #1.

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  • Format:Hardcover
  • FOC Date:January 01, 2018

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