Timely's Greatest: The Golden Age Simon & Kirby Omnibus (Hardcover)

Timely's Greatest: The Golden Age Simon & Kirby Omnibus (Hardcover)

Timely's Greatest: The Golden Age Simon & Kirby Omnibus (Hardcover)

  • Published

    October 23, 2019

Marvel proudly presents TIMELY’S GREATEST, a series of once-in-a-lifetime volumes featuring the best stories of the Golden Age, when Marvel was known as Timely Comics! Joe Simon and Jack Kirby entered the comic-book field separately and undoubtedly would have made major impacts on their own — but when their talents came together, it wasn’t an impact, it was an earthquake. The Simon & Kirby team immediately became synonymous with innovative storytelling, powerful artwork and hit characters. They would birth some of the 1940s’ most enduring creations, including the embodiment of a nation’s fighting spirit: Captain America! This Omnibus collects Simon & Kirby’s Timely Comics stories and covers, from the Vision to the Fiery Mask — and the rare Red Raven! Collecting material from DARING MYSTERY COMICS #1-3 and #6-8, RED RAVEN COMICS #1, MARVEL MYSTERY COMICS #12-25, HUMAN TORCH COMICS #2, CAPTAIN AMERICA COMICS #1-10, ALL-WINNERS COMICS (1941) #1-2, USA COMICS #1-3, YOUNG ALLIES COMICS #1 and MYSTIC COMICS (1941) #7.

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  • Rating:T+
  • Format:Hardcover
  • FOC Date:June 03, 2019

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