Mystic (2000) #28

Mystic (2000) #28

Mystic (2000) #28

  • Published

    October 01, 2002

Giselle's quest to win over the Guilds takes a turn for the weird as the mystic maiden visits the land of the Astral Guild. In this bizarre realm where Salvador Dali would feel right at home, Giselle seeks the unpredictable, unfathomable wisdom of her world's most cosmic conjurors. But a new threat has arrived along with her: a being that nullifies all creativity and spontaneity, attacking the Astrals at the very source of their power. Can Giselle think her way past her strangest adversary ever?

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  • Rating:NO RATING
  • Format:Comic
  • Page Count:24


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  • Not Available

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