X-Man (1995) #63

X-Man (1995) #63

X-Man (1995) #63

  • Published

    May 01, 2000

Warren Ellis takes the reins and sets up a bold new direction for Nate Grey. A mysterious group of financiers, artists and technologists in New York City are being whittled down, one by one, by something strange and terrible in the dark. Something that recognizes them...that knows they're mutants. Something there is no escape from...and that they don't know how to stop. In olden times, when a menace threatened a tribe, the group would go outside their circle for help, to the man who lived outside their society: the shaman. Now, there is a wolf at the door of reality. And only one man has the power, and the distance from the world, to see it clearly. That man is Nate Grey, the X-Man, mutant shaman for the 21st Century!'

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  • Format:Comic
  • UPC:75960604204306311
  • Page Count:23


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