All-New Invaders (2014) #1

All-New Invaders (2014) #1

All-New Invaders (2014) #1

  • Published

    January 22, 2014

"GODS AND SOLDIERS" PART ONE. Eisner Award winner James Robinson (STARMAN, EARTH 2) returns to MARVEL, uniting with Steve Pugh (ANIMAL MAN, HOTWIRE, GEN-X) to create a unique, modern day take on the INVADERS. The KREE EMPIRE intends to conquer the universe using a weapon that will grant them an army of NORSE GODS. It falls to four heroes united by their past - CAPTAIN AMERICA, NAMOR, THE ORIGINAL HUMAN TORCH and the WINTER SOLDIER - who must now face the future and wage war against the Kree to save Earth.

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  • Format:Comic
  • UPC:75960607968100111
  • FOC Date:January 08, 2014
  • Price:$1.99
  • Page Count:19


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