Classic Star Wars (1992) #15

Classic Star Wars (1992) #15

Classic Star Wars (1992) #15

  • Published

    December 07, 1993

It's finally time for some honest-to-goodness "Star Wars," as Luke Skywalker and Vrad Dodonna head for a climactic showdown in space with Darth Vader. Meanwhile, the rest of the Rebel Alliance struggles against time to evacuate Yavin Base for their new home on Hoth, as Darth Vader and the Imperial forces plan for a major strike on the Rebel moon. Luke, however, suspects that Vrad is a traitor to the Rebel cause, which leads to an exciting confrontation, as well as a startling turn of events for one of our Rebel heroes!

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  • Format:Comic
  • Page Count:29


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  • Not Available