19 Hosts of the Phoenix Force
We profile past hosts of the big bad cosmic firebird!

In the 2017 JEAN GREY series, the young title character found herself faced with the reality of her future: a drawn out struggle with the cosmic entity known as the Phoenix Force. Below, we take a look back at a few other super humans who have hosted the big bad cosmic firebird!
Rachel Grey
The alternate timeline daughter of Scott Summers and Jean Grey, Rachel spent quite a while as a brainwashed “Hound” for the authorities, forced to hunt down her fellow mutants before merging with the Phoenix Force. And while Hopeless still loves all things Jean, Rachel probably proved a more successful host: “Adult Jean was definitely the most powerful but she had her ups and downs—destroying a planet, killing her friends—Rachel I think [rode] that wave a little better.”
The Phoenix Five – Cyclops, Emma Frost, Namor, Colossus, and Magik
The Phoenix Force possessed these five X-Men after it split apart in battle, and while the heroes tried to use this awesome power gallantly, they left quite a bit of damage in their wake. “They tried to do great things and they ended up losing their minds, causing massive world problems and killing Charles [Xavier],” says Hopeless adding that it seems the more good you try to achieve with the powers, the more likely your efforts will backfire.
Destined to become the new Phoenix host, Hope also tried to avoid her destiny. The Avengers weren’t too keen to see her wielding this almighty power either, but in trying to prevent it they created the Phoenix Five and we all know how well that went. Summers finally accepted her role and became a temporary host, using the Force to bring back the fallen mutant race.
Quentin Quire
A destined future host of the Phoenix Force, Quentin has even interacted with his epic tomorrow self, making Hopeless pretty excited: “He has a very interesting take on handling it.” Chivalry isn’t dead, Quentin; share some of your wisdom with our red headed friend.
Korvus and Rook’shir
Members of the Shi’Ar alien race, both Rook’shir and his distant relative Korvus proved pseudo hosts, channeling the power through a sword named the Blade of the Phoenix long before the present day.
Other Characters
Amber Hunt, the Stepford Cuckoos, Fongji, Professor X, Diamanda Nero, and Madelyne Prior all played brief hosts to the Phoenix as well, while Nightcrawler, Storm, and Vulcan wielded the power in alternate “What If” stories.
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