Look Inside the Next Chapter of 'Falcon & Winter Soldier'
Pre-order 'Falcon & Winter Soldier' #3 today, then read it on September 30!
Hot on the trail of the Natural—a gifted new killer who has already beaten them once—Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes track him down...to his parents’ house. There, they meet the biggest Captain America fans who ever were.
From a living room full of Cap memorabilia to a warehouse full of Hydra agents, Sam and Bucky are closing in on their ultimate quarry: the prospective new Hydra Supreme... And it all happens at your local comic shop on September 30 in FALCON & WINTER SOLDIER #3!

Written by Derek Landy with art by Federico Vicentini, colors by Matt Milla, and letters by VC's Joe Caramagna, the new ish continues an unexpected and unmistakable tale led by two ex-Captain Americas. Read the full first four pages below, then pre-order the mag with your local comic shop before picking it up on September 30!