Vampiro, part of the race known as the Eternals, lived on Earth for many years eventually taking a wife and making a career for himself as a professional wrestler. He was a crowd favorite because Vampiro had never lost a contest until faced with an opponent who called himself El Toro Rojo. Soon into their match, Vampiro had realized El Toro Rojo harbored a secret of his own. He was part of the mortal, as well as Eternal, hating race called the Deviants. Their battle did not last long after that because Vampiro was gored by the horns of El Toro Rojo and had to be carried from the ring. Struggling to make it home under his own power, Vampiro almost fell from the sky when Thor caught him in mid-air. Vampiro told Thor of his troubles and invited him into his home. Shortly after, they were attacked by El Toro Rojo who, even though he knew Vampiro could not be killed, wanted to punish him some more. Thor immediately came to Vampiro’s aid and fought El Toro Rojo until he unexpectedly transformed back into Doctor Donald Blake. Vampiro had a chance to repay the Thunder god when he saved Blake’s life by swooping in and rescuing him before he was smashed against a wall and killed. El Toro Rojo left his defeated foes, and Vampiro had a chance to recover while Thor agreed to hunt down his enemy before he could return. After the Asgardian, defeated El Toro Rojo, Thor was under the impression that Vampiro would be long gone before El Toro Rojo could heal and plague him again.
Vampiro’s current whereabouts are unknown.