Ghost Rider By Ed Brisson (Trade Paperback)

Ghost Rider By Ed Brisson (Trade Paperback)

Ghost Rider By Ed Brisson (Trade Paperback)

  • Published

    October 04, 2023

Collects Ghost Rider (2019) #1-7, Absolute Carnage: Symbiote of Vengeance (2019) #1, Spirits of Ghost Rider: Mother of Demons (2020) #1, King in Black: Ghost Rider (2021) #1, Ghost Rider 2099 (2019) #1; material from Incoming (2019) #1, Marvel Comics Presents (2019) #6. All hell breaks loose as writer Ed Brisson unleashes the brothers Ghost Rider! Johnny Blaze is the king of Hell, struggling to keep the lords of the other infernal regions from making a play for his new throne! Meanwhile, with Blaze in charge downstairs, Danny Ketch must become Earth's Spirit of Vengeance full-time - no matter how much he'd rather be doing anything else. But when the inevitable happens and Rider battles Rider, who does Mephisto have his money on? And how will it change Ketch's path? Plus: Since the dawn of man, they have cursed her name - Lilith! And on the far-out streets of Transverse City, meet the Ghost Rider of 2099!

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