Wolverine: The Return of Weapon X (Trade Paperback)

Wolverine: The Return of Weapon X (Trade Paperback)

Wolverine: The Return of Weapon X (Trade Paperback)

  • Published

    September 18, 2013

It begins with a series of unsettling dreams, but Wolverine's nightmares soon become reality: The Weapon X Program, the sadistic agency that implanted his Adamantium skeleton, has returned! Accused of killing a senator and imprisoned, Wolverine is "rescued" by Weapon X - but what's really going on? Which other faces from Wolverine's past are being targeted for forcible recruitment? And what is the disturbing secret of Weapon X's new director? Plus: Wolverine faces Mr. X, a martial-arts master with a fetish for death and an obsession to become "the best there is;" battles his dead mentor Ogun; and deals with the threats of Mauvais and the Wendigo! But can a powerless Wolverine defeat the team of Sabretooth, Omega Red and Lady Deathstrike? Guest-starring Alpha Flight and the Beast! Collecting WOLVERINE (1988) #159-176 and ANNUAL 2000-2001.

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  • Format:Trade Paperback
  • FOC Date:September 03, 2013
  • Page Count:524

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