Marvel Firsts: The 1980s (Trade Paperback)

Marvel Firsts: The 1980s (Trade Paperback)

Marvel Firsts: The 1980s (Trade Paperback)

  • Published

    May 28, 2014

Marvel continues exploring the awesome '80s with a cornucopia of collector's item classics - from the debuts of the West Coast Avengers and X-Factor, to solo spotlights for Spidey's amazing friends Iceman and Firestar, to the birth of a whole New Universe! As mutant mania takes hold, Kitty Pryde, Wolverine and the swashbuckling Nightcrawler grab a chance at glory! And Marvel's next big-screen icon, Rocket Raccoon, takes his bow alongside brave Balder, lucky Longshot, insatiable Galactus - and the all-powerful Beyonder! Collecting QUESTPROBE #1, WEST COAST AVENGERS (1984) #1, KITTY PRYDE & WOLVERINE #1, ICEMAN (1984) #1, ROCKET RACCOON #1, GARGOYLE #1, SECRET WARS II #1, SQUADRON SUPREME #1, LONGSHOT #1, NIGHTCRAWLER (1985) #1, BALDER THE BRAVE #1, PUNISHER (1985) #1, X-FACTOR (1986) #1, FIRESTAR #1, DAKOTA NORTH #1, STAR BRAND #1, STRIKEFORCE: MORITURI #1 and material from EPIC ILLUSTRATED #26.

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