Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe (Trade Paperback)

Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe (Trade Paperback)

Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe (Trade Paperback)

  • Published

    May 21, 2014

Cover by DAVID NAKAYAMA When someone is targeting the lucky for death, it won't take long before the luckiest X-Man, Longshot, is in the killer's sights. But the situation quickly goes from bad to worse as super heroes, villains, all of S.H.I.E.L.D. and even cosmic entities have it out for our boy! What are the worst threats that ever have faced - or will ever face - the Marvel Universe? The Hulkvengers? Kraven the Phoenix? WolfCap? Wolverine, King of the Vampires? Cosmic Carnage? All of this sounds like a job for Longshot, right? Maybe not! Is Longshot finally in over his head, or can he beat the odds and save the Marvel Universe when no one else can? Collecting LONGSHOT SAVES THE MARVEL UNIVERSE #1-4.

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  • Format:Trade Paperback
  • FOC Date:May 06, 2014
  • Price:$9.99
  • Page Count:90


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