Deadpool Classic Companion (Trade Paperback)

Deadpool Classic Companion (Trade Paperback)

Deadpool Classic Companion (Trade Paperback)

  • Published

    April 15, 2015

Can't get enough of the Merc with a Mouth? Well, have we got the book for you, collecting Deadpool's incredibly hard-to-find early appearances - titanic team-ups, anthology antics and gratuitous guest-shots by the sassin' assassin! From hanging with Marvel superstars Nomad and Silver Sable, to giving a much-needed sales boost to losers like Wolverine and the Avengers, the erstwhile Secret Defender (shhh!) and Hero For Hire (sweet Christmas!) sure gets around. Complete your Deadpool collection right here! Collecting NOMAD (1992) #4, SECRET DEFENDERS #15-17, WOLVERINE (1988) #88 and #154-155, X-FORCE (1991) #47 and #56, HEROES FOR HIRE (1997) #10-11 - plus material from AVENGERS (1963) #366, SILVER SABLE & THE WILD PACK #23 and #30, WOLVERINE ANNUAL '95 and '99, CONTEST OF CHAMPIONS II #2, MARVEL COMICS PRESENTS (2007) #10 and BREAKING INTO COMICS THE MARVEL WAY #2.

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