ALL-NEW X-MEN VOL. 3 HC (Trade Paperback)

ALL-NEW X-MEN VOL. 3 HC (Trade Paperback)

ALL-NEW X-MEN VOL. 3 HC (Trade Paperback)

  • Published

    December 02, 2015

Collects All-New X-Men #22-30 And Guardians Of The Galaxy (2013) #11-13. The original X-Men’s arrival in the present sent shockwaves through the Marvel Universe, but we’ve only seen the effects on Earth — until now! When an alien race discovers that Jean Grey — once (or future) host of the destructive Phoenix Force — is back, they decide to hold her accountable for Dark Phoenix’s genocide! Now it’s up to the Guardians of the Galaxy to help the All-New X-Men save Jean from twisted intergalactic justice. But will they be enough against the universe’s most powerful army? Back on Earth, the present-day Beast is tortured by his decision to bring the original X-Men forward in time, but can he repair the damage he’s done while the future Brotherhood of Evil Mutants is still gunning for the time-tossed teens?

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