Silver Surfer Epic Collection: Parable (Trade Paperback)

Silver Surfer Epic Collection: Parable (Trade Paperback)

Silver Surfer Epic Collection: Parable (Trade Paperback)

  • Published

    June 22, 2022

Collects Silver Surfer (1987) #15-23, Silver Surfer Annual (1988) #1-2, Fantastic Four (1961) #325, Marvel Graphic Novel: Silver Surfer (1988), Silver Surfer (1988) #1-2, material from Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #1. Timeless tales of the Silver Surfer! Galactus’ latest meal, the powerful Elders of the Universe, isn’t sitting well — and only the Surfer and Fantastic Four can cure his fatal case of cosmic indigestion! Meanwhile, Norrin’s relationship with Nova hits the rocks thanks to Firelord, Ego the Living Planet seeks to consume the Surfer and a Kree/Skrull conflict builds to a boil! And finally, the incomparable Stan Lee returns to script two standout sagas: Mephisto bedevils the Surfer in a graphic novel drawn by the legendary John Buscema! And visionary talent Moebius illustrates a thoughtful epic wherein the only one who can stop Galactus from leading mankind to its doom…is the Silver Surfer!

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