Doctor Strange Epic Collection: Infinity War (Trade Paperback)

Doctor Strange Epic Collection: Infinity War (Trade Paperback)

Doctor Strange Epic Collection: Infinity War (Trade Paperback)

  • Published

    August 24, 2022

Collects Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #34-47 and Annual #2, Silver Surfer (1987) #67 and Spider-Man/Dr. Strange: The Way to Dusty Death. From here to Infinity! As Earth's heroes reckon with Thanos and his universe-altering Infinity Gauntlet, Doctor Strange takes on vital mystical missions to bolster their forces - but will his greatest threat be Doctor Doom or the inscrutable Adam Warlock? Stephen is attacked by his old friend the Silver Surfer and his old foe Nightmare - before the full horror of the gathered Lords of Fear is unleashed! Then, the Doctor enlists in the Infinity War - and crosses paths with Galactus! An urgent quest leads Strange and his allies into encounters with the godlike entities Agamotto and Cyttorak - and don't forget Cyttorak's champion, the unstoppable Juggernaut! Plus: Wolverine, Spider-Man, the Scarlet Witch, a reunion of the dynamic Defenders and more!

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