She-Hulk Epic Collection: Breaking The Fourth Wall (Trade Paperback)

She-Hulk Epic Collection: Breaking The Fourth Wall (Trade Paperback)

She-Hulk Epic Collection: Breaking The Fourth Wall (Trade Paperback)

  • Published

    May 11, 2022

Collects Sensational She-Hulk (1989) #1-12, She-Hulk: Ceremony (1989) #1-2; material from Solo Avengers (1987) #14, Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #18, Marvel Fanfare (1982) #48. She's done being savage - now it's time to be sensational! Comics legend John Byrne launches She-Hulk's second solo series with a twist - because Shulkie knows she's a character in a comic book! As the jade giantess smashes the glass ceiling at her new law firm, she does the same to the "fourth wall" between character and audience - quipping with readers and arguing with her comic's creators as she takes on bizarre foes including the Circus of Crime, the Toad Men, Stilt-Man and Xemnu the Titan! Plus: Jen meets Golden Age hero the Blonde Phantom and learns harsh lessons about the rules of comics! The mayhem of Madcap! A wedding proposal like no other! And She-Hulk: The Movie?!

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