Marvel Age (2023) #1000

Marvel Age (2023) #1000

Marvel Age (2023) #1000

  • Published

    August 30, 2023

IT'S A CELEBRATION OF THE MARVEL AGE OF COMICS - AND YOU ARE INVITED! This massive commemorative issue includes contributions from some of the most storied creators in Marvel history, as well as a few surprises, as the classic days of Marvel are explored in depth! J. Michael Straczynski and Kaare Andrews create the Marvel Universe in a backyard! Dan Slott and Michael Allred depict a crucial turning point for Captain Marvel! Rainbow Rowell and Jamie McKelvie explore the blossoming relationship between Cyclops and Jean Grey! The original Human Torch finds his purpose thanks to Mark Waid and Alessandro Cappuccio! The Silver Surfer confronts Mephisto under the guidance of Steve McNiven! And more, more, more!

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