Mystic Arcana (2007) #3

Mystic Arcana (2007) #3

Mystic Arcana (2007) #3

  • Published

    August 22, 2007

In the mountains of Eastern Europe a coven of gypsy witches meet to discuss an emerging young witch who prophecies say will surpass all other sorceresses. The trinity extend an offer to young Wanda Maximoff to join them, but the darker power of the elder demon Chthon will also have a say in the future of The Scarlet Witch! PLUS: As Ian McNee races to save the soul of a fellow magician, he travels to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean in search of a shard of the Serpent Crown. But will he be able to slip out of the grip of the two dueling sea monsters that guard it?
40 PGS./Rated T+ ...$2.99

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  • Rating:T+
  • Format:Comic
  • UPC:5960606141-00311
  • Page Count:36

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