Spider-Man/Red Sonja (2007) #1

Spider-Man/Red Sonja (2007) #1

Spider-Man/Red Sonja (2007) #1

  • Published

    August 01, 2007

The wise-cracking Wall-Crawler collides with the She-Devil with a Sword! Longtime Marvel readers know that these two legends have met before -- but that was just the warm-up! They may be from two different eras, but Spider-Man and Red Sonja have both faced the maniacal mage known as Kulan Gath. Now the sadistic sorcerer makes a play for power that will once again bring these two famous heroes together -- but will it be as friends or foes? Writer Michael Avon Oeming (OMEGA FLIGHT, Red Sonja) and Mel Rubi (Red Sonja) - plus series cover artist Michael Turner (CIVIL WAR) - answer the eternal question: What's better in a fight, the proportional strength and speed of a spider, or cold, hard steel and a chain-mail bikini?
32 PGS./Rated T+ ...$2.99
RED SONJA TM & © 2007 RED SONJA LLC. DYNAMITE ENTERTAINMENT TM & © 2007 DFI. www.dynamiteentertainment.com

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  • Rating:T+
  • Format:Comic
  • UPC:5960606146-00111


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