Foolkiller: Short Time (2008) #1

Foolkiller: Short Time (2008) #1

Foolkiller: Short Time (2008) #1

  • Published

    July 16, 2008

Los Angeles. The City of Angels. For a town that thinks it's pretty, there's plenty of ugly to go around. That's where the Foolkiller comes in -- taking a scalpel to warts, expurgating the cancer that grows in society's gut. When an ex-con named Darius Goode is brutally murdered just two days out of Lompoc, it barely makes the police blotter. But when signs point to Goode being the
latest victim of the clandestine hate-crime organization known as the White Angels, the Foolkiller has to get involved. Thus begins a bloody search that takes him from the Hollywood Hills to the city's back alleys and eventually across the path of the one vigilante whose legend exceeds even his own. Yep, him.
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  • Format:Comic
  • UPC:5960606372-00111
  • FOC Date:June 26, 2008
  • Page Count:26

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