The Age of the Sentry (2008) #5

The Age of the Sentry (2008) #5

The Age of the Sentry (2008) #5

  • Published

    February 04, 2009

From the Minutes: 1-Dedicate Sentry statue on Tuesday. 2- Petition Daily Bugle for more Sentry features. 3- Invite Scout again to ice-cream social (if refused, consider replacing sidekick) 4- Lindy Lee deemed not good enough for our hero, will be Removed. The OFFICIAL SENTRY FAN CLUB is now in session!
Also, the Sentry and his 31st century Guardians of the Galaxy teammates get the call when a planet named Idda is about to give birth, and the only known planetary midwifery tome is guarded by the remains of a savage race! Will they reach the book in time? Live through a horrifying space battle? And will the Sentry even notice Sun Girl has a crush on him? Join the Sentry and the star-spanning Guardians in their quest to deliver big!
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  • Rating:T+
  • Format:Comic
  • UPC:75960606545500511
  • Page Count:24

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