Pride & Prejudice (2009) #1

Pride & Prejudice (2009) #1

Pride & Prejudice (2009) #1

  • Published

    April 01, 2009

IT is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife... Tailored from the adored Jane Austen classic, Marvel Comics is proud to present PRIDE AND PREJUDICE! Two-time Rita Award-Winner Nancy Butler and fan-favorite Hugo Petras faithfully adapt the whimsical tale of Lizzy Bennet and her loveable-if-eccentric family, as they navigate through tricky British social circles. Will Lizzy's father manage to marry off her five daughters, despite his wife's incessant nagging? And will Lizzy's beautiful sister Jane marry the handsome, wealthy Mr. Bingley, or will his brooding friend Mr. Darcy stand between their happiness? "This project has been like a dream come true for me as a writer and as a former graphic designer-not only am I adapting a book I love, I am doing it in the one forum, comics, where words and pictures carry equal weight." Nancy Butler, two-time RITA winner and multiple RT Reviewer's Choice winner in Regency

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Extended Credits and Info

  • Rating:T+
  • Format:Comic
  • UPC:5960606736-00111
  • FOC Date:March 12, 2009
  • Price:$1.99
  • Page Count:25

Cover Information

  • Not Available