Wolverine (2003) #74

Wolverine (2003) #74

Wolverine (2003) #74

  • Published

    June 10, 2009

TWO STORIES over TWO ISSUES! Each tale begins in WOLVERINE #73 and concludes in #74...as the WOLVERINE comic book makes a change you won't believe... "A DAY IN THE LIFE" PART 2 Superstar WOLVERINE artist ADAM KUBERT returns, joined by superstar WOLVERINE writer JASON AARON! Experience a day in the life for America's favorite mutant-a day packed with action, women, villains, costume changes and beer. Ever wonder why Logan keeps himself so busy these days? The answer lies within. "ONE PERCENTER" PART 2 Meanwhile, WOLVERINE: ORIGINS writer DANIEL WAY is joined by MARVEL 1985's TOMMY LEE EDWARDS in a prelude to DARK WOLVERINE! Logan wants to get the hell out of New York, and he's in no hurry to get back to San Francisco, either. So he gets on a motorcycle and takes the long way home. But home for Logan isn't in a secret underground headquarters-it's in a fight, with his hands wrapped around the neck of somebody who's got it coming. Parental Advisory ...$2.99

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  • Format:Comic
  • UPC:75960605458907411
  • Price:$1.99
  • Page Count:23

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