Marvel Adventures the Avengers (2006) #39

Marvel Adventures the Avengers (2006) #39

Marvel Adventures the Avengers (2006) #39

  • Published

    August 19, 2009

TAKIN' CARE OF BUSINESS: Aleksei Sytsevich just wants to retire. The economy is bad, and freelance jobs are harder to find. Business just isn't what it used to be. It's time to hang up the suit and live the good life. Of course, when the "business" is super-villain crime sprees as the Rhino, and the "suit" in question is his costume, the Rhino is finding it a bit harder to close the books on his "career." Luckily, the Avengers are more than glad to help an old foe get out of the game, even if it means dealing with a little bit of trouble. Or, in this case, a LOT of trouble, because the Abomination and the Leader aren't going to let their old teammate step away from the game quite that easily! All Ages ...$2.99

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  • Rating:ALL AGES
  • Format:Comic
  • UPC:5960605973-03911
  • FOC Date:July 30, 2009
  • Page Count:24

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  • Not Available

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