Marvel Universe Vs. the Punisher (2010) #3

Marvel Universe Vs. the Punisher (2010) #3

Marvel Universe Vs. the Punisher (2010) #3

  • Published

    September 01, 2010

Mankind has fallen, civilization is extinct. All that remains are tribes of savage cannibal predators who used to be humanity's heroes. Frank Castle believes himself to be the only uninfected survivor...until he discovers that a handful of humans still live. Some are being hunted by the cannibals, others are used as pawns between warring tribes. Everyone believes that there is no one left to protect the innocent and avenge the fallen. They're wrong. The Punisher still lives, and the Last Gun on Earth is willing to wage total war to save the last humans on Earth. NY Times-bestseller Jonathan Maberry and artist Goran Parlov lock and load for the third bloody installment of this Marvel Knights event. Parental Advisory ...$3.99

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  • Format:Comic
  • UPC:5960606950-00311
  • FOC Date:August 12, 2010
  • Price:$1.99
  • Page Count:24


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  • Not Available