X-Factor Forever (2010) #3

X-Factor Forever (2010) #3

X-Factor Forever (2010) #3

  • Published

    May 12, 2010

If you can't trust a semi-autonomous battle cruiser from space to betray you to a bunch of alien gods, who CAN you trust? That's the question facing the mutant tyrant Apocalypse when Ship, the Celestial artifact-turned-X-Factor-HQ, develops sentience and starts reporting to its makers. What exactly has Ship told the omnipotent Celestials...and what does it all have to do with young Christopher Summers? Rated A ...$3.99

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Extended Credits and Info

  • Format:Comic
  • UPC:5960607156-00311
  • FOC Date:April 22, 2010
  • Page Count:22

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