X-Men: Second Coming - Revelations: Blind Science (2010) #1

X-Men: Second Coming - Revelations: Blind Science (2010) #1

X-Men: Second Coming - Revelations: Blind Science (2010) #1

  • Published

    May 26, 2010

The X-Men are on the ropes, barely dodging a foe whose master plan has them fighting to survive. Discovering some suspicious activity just off the coast of their refuge, Utopia, the X-Men send their best and brightest to investigate, hoping to discover just what Bastion is plotting. However, the X-Club is in for more than they bargained for: namely, a trap designed just for them. Thrown into a war even worse than the one they're coming from, the X-Club is left to wonder: How do they get back to the X-Men? And just how do they figure into Bastion's master plan? One-Shot/Rated T ...$3.99

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Extended Credits and Info

  • Format:Comic
  • UPC:5960607270-00111
  • FOC Date:May 06, 2010
  • Page Count:37

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  • Not Available

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