Warriors Three (2010) #1

Warriors Three (2010) #1

Warriors Three (2010) #1

  • Published

    November 03, 2010

Hath the world known anyone so noble as Hogun? So dashing as Fandral? So... er... great as the mighty Volstagg? HATH THE WORLD EVER KNOWN ANYTHING LIKE THE WARRIORS THREE? The answer is "no," and that's probably a good thing, for the tectonic plates of Midgard most likely could not withstand such... ah... might. But lo, an evil is brewing down in the depths of Hel that neither man nor God is prepared for. When an ancient monster is let loose on the world, only the WARRIORS THREE are able to rise to the challenge! From the bestselling comics writer BILL WILLINGHAM (Fables) and breakout artist NEIL EDWARDS (Fantastic Four) comes a tale of such magnitude the Marvel Universe has never seen! Rated T ...$3.99

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  • Format:Comic
  • UPC:5960607326-00111
  • FOC Date:October 23, 2010
  • Price:$1.99
  • Page Count:23

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  • Not Available

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