Star Wars (1998) #42

Star Wars (1998) #42

Star Wars (1998) #42

  • Published

    May 15, 2002

A crisis within the government of the planet Ryloth necessitates a Jedi mediator. Master Tholme is dispatched along with the Twi'lek Jedi, Aayla Secura for a visit to the planet of her birth. While Tholme negotiates with those in the seats of power, Aayla goes undercover as a slave, getting a taste of what her life might have been like had she stayed on Ryloth, and discovers a conspiracy that could topple the government and sever Ryloth's teis to the Republic! Aayla is on the cusp of graduating from Padawan learner to a full-fledged Jedi Knight, but stopping the evil plot may be a test beyond her abilities!

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  • Format:Comic
  • Page Count:24


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