Star Wars: Jedi Quest (2001) #2

Star Wars: Jedi Quest (2001) #2

Star Wars: Jedi Quest (2001) #2

  • Published

    October 10, 2001

Anakin Skywalker'and'Obi-Wan Kenobi'are on an escort mission, ensuring that a freighter does not become the next victim to the vicious'pirate'and slave'trader'Krayn. But it will take more than'Jedi'to keep Krayn from his prey. Anakin and Obi-Wan venture into Krayn's ship to keep him at bay. Anakin must fight his hatred of the slaver if he is to finish this mission, but the temptation to stop Krayn may prove to be too much for the young Padawan!

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  • Format:Comic
  • Page Count:24


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