Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire - Evolution (1998) #3

Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire - Evolution (1998) #3

Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire - Evolution (1998) #3

  • Published

    April 08, 1998

Human replica droid Guri has located the only one potentially capable of altering her assassin-driven programming, the surgical droid known as Doc. But now she's being pursued by a bounty hunter, Kar Yang. Savan, working in disguise as a Human female, is trying to secure her hold on the Black Sun organization -- and realizes that Guri is the key. Luke, Han, and Leia, who are meeting with Savan on Coruscant in order to work out a peaceful end to the tumultuous turnover in Black Sun, have no idea who she really is, though.

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  • Format:Comic
  • Page Count:24


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  • Not Available