Uncanny Inhumans (2015) #1.1

Uncanny Inhumans (2015) #1.1

Uncanny Inhumans (2015) #1.1

  • Published

    February 08, 2017

THE EPIC BATTLE MARVEL FANS HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR, DRAWN BY TODAY'S GREATEST ARTISTS! A terrible twosome of LEVIATHON MONSTERS has crashed down in Rome, and with Earth's Heroes spread thin, it's up to Medusa and the UNCANNY INHUMANS to stop them! But when one of the monsters sets its sights on a small village, Crystal and Swain are cut off from their team - and one is gravely injured. A comrade down, a titan on her tail, and a group of people counting on her, one hero must dig deep and face her inner demons to take down a TITANIC THREAT.

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  • Rating:RATED T+
  • Format:Comic
  • FOC Date:January 18, 2017
  • Price:$4.99
  • Page Count:32


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