Marvel Action Captain Marvel (2019) #1

Marvel Action Captain Marvel (2019) #1

Marvel Action Captain Marvel (2019) #1

  • Published

    August 21, 2019

Go higher, further, and faster with Captain Marvel in this brand-new, all-ages adventure! Carol Danvers' quiet night with BFF Jessica Drew (a.k.a. Spider-Woman) takes a cat-astrophic turn when Manhattan's bodegas are suddenly overrun by a host of angry felines! And not just any felines-Flerkens, the most terrifying, pocket-dimension-holding, tentacle-devouring kitty-look-alikes in the entire universe! Carol's paw-sitive she can handle the situation on her own, but questions remain: can she overcome the fur-midible foes before it's too late? How well does the "Find My Phone" function actually work? And will there be more cat puns?! It's a Flerken invasion in the latest addition to the mighty Marvel Action banner! Sam Maggs and Sweeney Boo make their Marvel Action debut!

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  • Rating:ALL AGES
  • Format:Digital Comic
  • Page Count:23


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