Marvel Action Captain Marvel (2019) #5

Marvel Action Captain Marvel (2019) #5

Marvel Action Captain Marvel (2019) #5

  • Published

    May 27, 2020

Go higher, further, and faster with Captain Marvel and the Unstoppable Wasp in a brand-new, middle grade adventure! Carol and Nadia, currently no bigger than, well, a wasp, are in a predicament-A.I.M. is up to no good, and Carol can't use her powers because, at this size, she could literally split atoms. Yikes! So what's the strongest avenger to do? Well, Carol has a lot of ideas-but maybe it's best if she follows Nadia's lead on this one... cue: the G.I.R.L. squad! Enter the secret world of Captain Marvel in this pint-sized Marvel Action adventure!

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  • Rating:ALL AGES
  • Format:Digital Comic
  • Page Count:22


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