

'X-Manhunt' Connecting Covers by Phil Noto Present a Lineup of Today's Fiercest X-Men

Check out new variant covers from Phil Noto that will be featured on all seven parts of 'X-Manhunt,' the new X-Men crossover launching in March!


Every Major Schism in X-Men History

From the original rivalry between Professor X and Magneto to Rogue and Cyclops’ clashing ideologies in “Raid on Graymalkin,” learn more about every major X-Men schism.


Charles Xavier—the Most Dangerous Mutant in the World—is On the Run in 'X-Manhunt'

Professor X’s escape from Graymalkin Prison sends the X-Men’s world into chaos in 'X-Manhunt,' an eight-part X-crossover this March!


What You Need to Know for 'Raid on Graymalkin'

Find out everything you need to know about the first crossover of the 'From the Ashes' Era, happening in 'Uncanny X-Men' and 'X-Men' now!

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